Erotic Romance Author

Until I get everything fixed with my website, mainly finding someone smarter than me to handle, this is where all the information can be found. Check back often for reviews and posts and new releases. Below on the right is a list of books and their reading order. Looking forward to sharing with everyone...:)

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Take me out to the ballgame....

I love baseball. I always have. Especially in person. There's just something about the atmosphere of a ballpark on a summer day.

Last month we took our grandson, who's a huge baseball and football fan by the way, to Atlanta to see the Braves in action.

We had a lot of fun and spent the afternoon prior to game time walking around the Battery, which is the shops and restaurants lining the street outside the Brave's new stadium.

I think his favorite part of the Battery was the huge fountain they had outside the stadium gates, which was a huge welcome on such a hot day.

And it was definitely hot. They don't call it Hotlanta for nothin'

Even though the Braves lost to Washington Nationals by one point, it was still a good game. We plan to check out another game next year.

Go Braves!!


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